The Fall Garden: To Clean or Not to Clean

Faded plants left standing all winter can play a critical role in the overwintering of beneficial insects, as well as birds and mammals. These plants may contain seed or fruit , or offer hiding places during the off-season. Image: Margaret Roach When to clean up the garden in the fall? The best time to start your fall garden preparation is after the first few freezing nights have killed back much of the flowers and foliage on the plants. Freezing temperatures are a trigger for perennials that it’s time to begin the process of going dormant for the winter. But don't start cutting back your plants too early, it could trigger new growth on the plants, and you don’t want to do that in the fall. Fall flower bed cleanup chores you can skip Leave the foliage on your plants – Dead plant material is a wonderful place for beneficial insects to hibernate during the winter. Litter is a critical habitat for various insects and other anthropods, like bumblebees that provide pollina...