How to Hypertufa & What Is It?
Most recent Hypertufa beginners class is ready to move on to learn more advanced techniques Hypertufa is formed using Portland Cement and is used for decorative garden pots. Fall classes have been held for Reno County Master Gardeners to learn and master the techniques for making, designing and curing the garden planters. Advanced Hypertufa class show design ideas Once the pots are designed, they will remain outdoors thru out the winter to leach out the lime before planting. Final projects show how many creative design techniques are possible. Once cured, the pots are great for planing herbs, coleus and succulents These succulents are quite content in this low maintenance Hypertufa pot. The next class will be advanced, a beginners class is required first, and will be held November 6th, 8th and 13th at 1pm. If interested, contact the master gardeners listed below for more details. ENROLL BY PHONE OR EMAIL ASAP PLEASE ...