
Showing posts from July, 2018

Join us for Music In the Garden August 7th

This week's rain has been beneficial to our declining gardens. The cooler temps help motivate us to get out and do some cleanup, deadheading and revitalization of our garden beds. Now is the time to divide iris. Cut the leaves in a "fan" shape. Then use a sharp shooter or spade or a dividing fork. You'll need some cardboard boxes to put the iris in as you dig.  If you wish to mark the color or variety (ie rebloomer) have a Sharpie type marker and write right on the Iris fan.  Share with friends or neighbors or plant in another area. Remember to not plant an Iris bulb too deeply. The top of the bulb should be visible. Mark Your Calendars Reno County Extension Master Gardener's host , Music in the Garden , Tuesday, August 7 at 5:30 at Hutchinson Community College . Join us in the Crimsom Courtyard right behind Lockman Hall and the Library at the water fountain and pool. There will be KSU Extension master gardeners (EMGs) in each of th...