New Plants for 2017 as RCEMG's Host

RCMG's focus on bringing education to our community Have you heard? Gardening is th e number one hobby. It has many advantages. It gets us outside and moving. It allows us pleasant social interactions and a good opportunity to meet and greet our neighbors. It improves our environment and thus our overall standard of living. It is a creative outlet because we use design and color combination techniques to arrange our garden beds. We use the science of biology to know and understand when, where and how to plant. Thank you to Rita Arnold of Arnold's Greenhouse for her information and presentation in early March at Emanuel Lutheran Church. Rita's slide presentation of 200+ new plants for 2017 was well attended. Reno County Master Gardener's sponsored the event for the 2nd year in a row. Mark your calendar for next year's early March presentation. There is a 2017 plant wishbook and plant list. where you can s ee the new plants for 2017. ...