Share a Row Program Helps the Community

This past year I have been reading more, and listening to more conversations about Sharing a Row. The United Nations estimates one in eight people, worldwide suffer from hunger and malnutrition.  This is not a problem from which the United States is exempt, but one that is unfortunately increasing in our Country.

The concept to help solve this problem is so simple!  When you are planning your garden this year, plan to plant an extra row.

The Association of Garden Communicators began a program in 1995 (22 years ago!) called Plant a Row for the Hungry.  This project started in, of all places, Alaska, not a State we think about for gardening. 
Since then, estimates have been more than 20 million pounds of produce, providing more than 80 million meals.  All this donated by American urban, suburban and rural gardeners like you and me. Without any government subsidies or red tape. Charities receiving this food include:  homeless shelters, soup kitchens, women's shelters, youth outreach programs, elder care homes and special needs programs.

Perhaps, when you are planning your garden this year, you could include an extra row or container to donate.... see  And, to help defray costs, if you do not use all your seeds, give them to a friend to use in their row. This is America at it's best, people helping people, while doing something we love.  Plant on Master Gardeners! Submitted by Master Gardener cbooz
