Master Gardeners Host Annual Plant Swap

Our Reno County Extension Master Gardener's ( RCEMG ) hosted a booth Saturday October 21st at the Farmer's Market, 2nd and Washington, in Hutchinson. The annual Plant Swap of perennials, houseplants, and seeds was well received. Jacqui Wood RCEMG shares plants with David & Liz Welty 4H family...Lanae, Isaac and Evan all enjoy gardening and are members of the Royal Clovers 4H club. The swap was a great success. With about 25 different participants bringing items for the farmers market customers. All plants were shared free of charge to gardeners and plant lovers young and old. One master gardener, Allen Hirst, collected over 15,000 milkweed seeds. Milkweed is desired by monarch butterflies. Monarch butterflies depend on the milkweed plants. They lay their eggs on them because they are the only food the monarch caterpillars eat. Monarch numbers are declining, partly due to the loss of open spaces where milkweeds grow. You can ...