Plan to Attend Music In the Garden & Container Blueberries??

Reno County Master Gardeners present their final summer educational program in early August. Scheduled for Thursday August 4th in the Hutchinson Community College Demonstration Gardens from 6pm to 8pm. Come to relax and be pampered for a lovely experience in the evening twilight. Also visit our booth this Saturday the 16th at the Farmer's Market in Hutchinson KS, 2nd and Washington from 7:30 to 12:30. Backyard composting educational materials and advice will be provided from experienced master gardeners at the RCMG booth. See you there!!
RCEMG Community Education Program Scheduled for August 4th 
Submitted by jbcrock 

Blueberries in Kansas, No Way or Way??? 

The popularity of smoothies and healthier eating recipes almost always list blueberries as a go to food source. But, if you've ever priced them in the freezer section of the grocery store, many of us might have to limit how often we can enjoy them. Hard to grow in this area of Kansas with our alkaline soil (blueberries need acidic soil) growing blueberries in containers has provided a more successful growing environment. Soil amendments are more manageable and the container confines the plant to a smaller growth pattern that works favorably in the urban garden. See this University of Wisconsin Extension website,, or this University of Michigan Extension site 
for more details. Happy harvesting!!
Young Blueberry, Planted in late April 
Soon There Were Early Berries

Mouth Watering Healthy Blueberries Growth by late June
Photos submitted by jhawk
