McPherson Master Gardener Garden Tour

This week a friend here in Hutchinson took a couple of us to McPherson for an "outing" including a tour of the Master Gardener Demonstration Gardens.Valerie Kratzer, a Master Gardener, is very active in their organization and provided a great tour.  I took a picture of one of their gardens which really caught my eye.  It represents a flag (blowing in the breeze).  The white salvia for the "stars" is just catching up to the blue salvia and will soon be poking up in between the blue.  The stripes are red and white vinca. Isn't this cute?  The gardener who created this garden is Carol Hulse. She told Valerie she worked on the plan through the Winter and calculated the placement and number of the plants to represent a flag blowing in the Kansas breeze. Check it out and see for yourself this weekend. The  MCPHERSON Master Gardener Garden Tour  is SATURDAY, JULY 11, 9:00-3:00. Submitted by Shixson.
