Gardening Teases & Temptations

It must be February!  For two months the seed, bulb, and plant catalogues have been arriving on a nearly daily basis. This is the most dangerous time for is cold outside, there is no gardening to be done, all the bruises and scrapes from last summer are healed and forgotten.  So, we make our deals with ourselves....I will order all my seeds from one catalogue, I will only try one new plant this summer, I will cut back my vegetable garden and only order two new items.  We are a a conniving bunch with the promises we make.  Then it is time to order, the temperature climbs a few degrees, all promises and deals are forgotten.  Once again this year we will continue the love affair with our gardens, we will over-order, we will plant with a plan and we will plant with reckless abandon as we remember the excitement, the fun, the sense of accomplishment and forget all the brittle, drooping failures.  Yes, there will be a lot of ordering again this year! Submitted by sogrowsmygarden.
